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Biocontrol introduction

Target pest: Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), greenhouse whitefly

Agent introduced: Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae) = Capsus nubilus, Macrolophus nubilus, Macrolophus brevicornis

Import notes:

Eyles et al. (2008) - first reported occurrence of M. pygmaeus in New Zealand was Auckland Botanic Gardens 2007, assumed to be an accidental introduction.

Flynn et al. (2010) - the occurrence of M. pygmaeus in New Zealand was subsequently shown to be a deliberate and illegal introduction by a biological control company and a tomato growing company.

EPA (2014b) - an application (20 Nov 2013) to release M. pygmaeus as an inundative biocontrol agent for greenhouse whitefly was declined (see EPA Applications below).

Release details:

Kean et al. (2020) - prior to 2009 a commercial biocontrol company in Pukekohe, South Auckland was rearing M. pygmaeus for sale to tomato growers. It was sold to several commercial greenhouses in Pukekohe, Taupo and Blenheim, and at least two small introductions were deliberately made into private gardens in South Auckland.


Flynn et al. (2010) - status of M. pygmaeus in New Zealand uncertain. All known reared populations and specimens held by industry were destroyed and no specimens were recovered from glasshouses that utilised the mirid for biological control, and between 2007 and 2010 no specimens were found in the field.

Kean et al. (2020) - observations subsequent to the introductions into private gardens in South Auckland prior to 2009 suggest M. pygmaeus almost certainly did not establish at those sites. A survey conducted 8-15 March 2018 at sites where M. pygmaeus was known or suspected to have been present in New Zealand did not detect the bug. The results of the survey suggest it is unlikely to have persisted in the environment outside the greenhouses where it was formerly present; there is moderate confidence that it is no longer present in New Zealand.

EPA Applications:

EPA (2014b) - 20 Nov 2013: application by Tomatoes New Zealand, an affiliated Product Group of Horticulture New Zealand, to release M. pygmaeus as an inundative biocontrol agent for greenhouse whitefly by commercial greenhouse tomato growers. EPA Application # APP201254, declined 28 Apr 2014.


EPA (2014b). EPA application APP201254: to import and release a biocontrol agent, Macrolophus pygmaeus, for the control of greenhouse whitefly. Environmental Protection Authority website https://www.epa.govt.nz/database-search/hsno-application-register/view/APP201254

Eyles AC, Marais, T and George S. (2008). First New Zealand record of the genus Macrolophus Fieber, 1858 (Hemiptera: Bryocorinae: Dicyphini): Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur, 1839), a benficial predacious insect. Zootaxa 1779: 33-37

Flynn A, Eyles AC and George S. (2010). Correction relating to the occurrence of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae: Dicyphini) in New Zealand reported in 2008. Zootaxa 2622: 68

Kean JM, Mansfield S, Hardwick S, Barton DM. (2020). A risk-based detection survey for the predatory mirid Macrolophus pygmaeus in New Zealand. Bulletin of Entomological Research 110(3): 370-378. Published online 18 Nov 2019. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007485319000749