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Biocontrol introduction

Target pest: Pineus laevis (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), pine twig chermes, pine woolly aphid

Agent introduced: Diomus pumilio (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) = Scymnus pumilio, longblack ladybird



Import source:


Import notes:

Cameron et al. (1989) - in early-1936 about 300 adult and larval D. pumilio were imported from Australia, but only 17 adults, six pupae and two larvae arrived alive. The adults, including those emerging from pupae, were placed on twigs infested with P. laevis. A further consignment, of adults only, was sent between April and June 1936; a ‘large proportion’ arrived alive. All were placed on P. laevis material in the insectary and a ‘fair proportion’ survived the winter. It is not known what became of the surviving adults.


Cameron et al. (1989) - it is not known if releases were made.


Cameron et al. (1989) - Diomus pumilio has not been recorded in New Zealand.


Cameron PJ, Hill RL, Bain J, Thomas WP (1989). A Review of Biological Control of Invertebrate Pests and Weeds in New Zealand 1874-1987. Technical Communication No 10. CAB International Institute of Biological Control. DSIR Entomology Division. 424p.