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Tallamy D.W. (1999). Physiological issues in host range expansion. Pp. 11-26 In: Proceedings: Host specificity testing of exotic arthropod biological control agents: The biological basis for improvement in safety, N.R. Spencer (Ed.) Bozeman, Montana.

Taylor D.B.J., Heard T.A. and Jacob H.S. (2004). How effective is host testing at predicting non-target impacts of weed biological control agents in Australia? Pp. 91-94 In: 14th Australian Weeds Conference: Weed management: balancing people, planet, profit, B. M. Sindel and S. B. Johnson (Ed.) Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, 6-9 September 2004

Taylor D.B.J., Heard T.A., Paynter Q. and Spafford H. (2007). Nontarget effects of a weed biological control agent on a native plant in Northern Australia. Biological Control 42: 25-33
Pre-release laboratory tests predicted that Neurostrota gunniella, an agent released in Australia against Mimosa pigra, may occasionally use Neptunia spp. as hosts. However, it was not expected to persist on Neptunia spp., nor have a significant effect. N. gunniella has established widely and is now abundant on the target weed, which grows sympatrically with at least one species of Neptunia. Nontarget attack of Neptunia major in the field has been investigated, and although an average of 61% of N. major plants growing adjacent to M. pigra thickets had evidence of attack, this was relatively low. Where M. pigra was not present, use of N. major plants by N. gunniella was noticeably reduced or absent. Post-release results support the predictions made during prerelease studies of N. gunniella.

Thomas H.Q., Zalom F.G. and Roush R.T. (2010). Laboratory and field evidence of post-release changes to the ecological host range of Diorhabda elongata: Has this improved biological control efficacy? Biological Control 53 (3): 353-359

Thomas M. and Waage J.K. (1996). Integration of biological control and host plant resistance breeding. A scientific and literature review. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), 99 pp.

Thomas M.B. and Willis A.J. (1998). Biocontrol - risky but necessary? Trends in Evolution and Ecology 13: 325-329.
Biocontrol advocates appear reluctant to accept the possibility that there could be side-effects associated with biocontrol, often refuting evidence of harmful effects. The biocontrol critics, although eager to provide evidence to the contrary, appear reluctant to propose any detailed, constructive criticisms or workable solutions. Suggestions for directions for future research that might help to resolve some of the problems.

Thompson W.R. and Simmonds F.J. (1964-1965). A Catalogue of the Parasites and Predators of Insect Pests. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Bucks, United Kingdom.

Todd J.H., Barratt B.I.P., Tooman L., Beggs J.R. and Malone L.A. (2015). Selecting non-target species for risk assessment of entomophagous biological control agents: Evaluation of the PRONTI decision-support tool. Biological Control 80: 77-88.

Todd J.H., Ramankutty P., Barraclough E.I. and Malone L.A. (2008). A screening method for prioritizing non-target invertebrates for improved biosafety testing of transgenic crops. Environmental Biosafety Research 7: 35-56.

Toepfer S., Cabrera W.G., Eben A., Alvarez-Zagoya R., Haye T., Zhang F. and Kuhlmann, U. (2008). A critical evaluation of host ranges of parasitoids of the subtribe Diabroticina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Luperini) using field and laboratory host records. Biocontrol Science and Technology 18: 483-504
The subtribe Diabroticina are New World Chrysomelidae including corn rootworms, cucumber beetles and other pests. The only parasitoids that consistently target and develop inside the beetle adults are Centistes gasseni Shaw, Centistes diabroticae Gahan (both Hym.: Braconidae), and Celatoria diabroticae Shimer, Celatoria compressa (Wulp), Celatoria bosqi Blanchard, and Celatoria setosa Coquillett (all Diptera: Tachinidae). The authors present new host records and data from laboratory host range tests showing that all tachinid and braconid species studied are considered to be specific at the level of subtribe. The realized and potential host range of Centistes diabroticae includes Acalymma species as well as species in the fucata and virgifera groups of Diabrotica. Celatoria compressa has the broadest realised range compared to the other species studied, since it was obtained from species in several genera of Diabroticina; and its potential host range may also include Old World Aulacophora species.

Toepfer S., Zhang F. and Kuhlmann, U. (2009). Assessing host specificity of a classical biological control agent against western corn rootworm with a recently developed testing protocol. Biological Control. 51(1): 26-33.
The authors describe host range testing of Celatoria compressa (Wulp) (Diptera: Tachinidae) for control of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Europe. Nine potential non-target beetles were tested in no-choice tests, sequential no-choice tests, choice tests and sequential choice tests in small experimental arenas in a quarantine laboratory. The nine species were selected based on (1) ecological host range information of C. compressa, (2) ecological similarities to D. v. virgifera, (3) close phylogenetic/taxonomic relationships, (4) safeguard considerations, (5) morphological similarities, geographical distributions, overlap of temporal occurrences with D. v. virgifera and C. compressa, and (6) accessibility and availability. C. compressa only parasitized a few red pumpkin beetles, Aulacophora foveicollis (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), regardless of the presence or absence of D. v. virgifera but preferred D. v. virgifera (44.6% parasitized) over A. foveicollis (2.7%) in choice tests. The authors concluded that C. compressa has a fundamental host range restricted to the subtribes Diabroticina and Aulacophorina, and would therefore be unlikely to have a direct impact on indigenous species in Europe.

Turlings T.C.J., Tumlinson J.H., Heath R.R., Proveaux, A.T. and Doolittle R.E. (1991). Isolation and identification of allelochemicals that attract the larval parasitoid, Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson), to the microhabitat of one of its hosts. Journal of Chemical Ecology 17: 2235-2251
