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Biocontrol Information Resource for EPA Applicants

This information resource is intended to assist biological control researchers and practitioners who are planning to prepare an application to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) [] to bring a new organism in to New Zealand for the purpose of biological control.

The information contained may also be useful to submitters, stakeholders, Maori and others who have an interest in biological control applications. It comprises information and advice on:

The information contained within this resource has been prepared by the research team of the Research Collaboration Better Border Biosecurity (B3) [], funded by MBIE Core Funding to the research provider partners AgResearch, Plant and Food Research, Scion and Landcare Research.

The authors of the text are: Barbara Barratt (AgResearch), Lisa Berndt (Scion), Sarah Dodd (Landcare Research), Richard Hill (Richard Hill & Associates), John Kean (AgResearch), Dave Teulon (Plant & Food Research), and Toni Withers (Scion).

The resource was assembled in consultation with the former ERMA New Zealand [], EPA [] and Department of Conservation [] staff. These agencies are end-user partners within B3.

Please cite this website as:
Barratt B.I.P., Berndt L.A., Dodd S.L., Ferguson C.M., Hill R.L., Kean J.M., Teulon D.A.J. and Withers T.M. (2007). BIREA - Biocontrol Information Resource for EPA applicants. (accessed July 2024).